The Reformation Manifesto: Your Part In God's Plan To Change Nations Today!
Cindy Jacobs - Hardcover
An urgent call for change in individuals and society:
The church is at a crossroads--we are in a place of comfort and complacency while the Enemy is making progress--and God is calling His church to a radical change. Revival is no longer enough; we need to reform our nations as well in order to answer the true purpose of the Great Commission. Either the church will respond to God's call, or there will be rapid deterioration. The prayer movement has been laying the ground for change for many years, and now is the time for believers to step out in faith and be transformed into reformers. This movement of God in the church is as important as Martin Luther's call for reformation was, waking up the sleeping church to hear the voice of God and seeing lives, churches and even nations changed. Cindy Jacobs gives a visionary, prophetic call to the church that must be understood and answered. What is the problem? We have the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and yet societies are deteriorating around us. How could there be roughly two billion Christians on the face of the earth today and the major problems of sin, poverty, and disease still plague the planet? Why haven't we figured out solutions to these problems?